The MK story begins back in 1995 with a newborn baby, Wayne & Niccla together with Sanae McLeod (Pastry Chef/partner) opened the doors of Mondo Kitchen in a tiny little bakery on New South Head Road Rose Bay. Moving a year later to Botany, we continued creating new flavours of cakes, slices, tarts and many more items. Our MK product list grew, and the marketplace started to flood with the MK name.
Sydney was selected as the city for the 2000 Olympic Games. Mondo Kitchen was chosen as one of the preferred suppliers. (Wayne and Johnny Walker became very close friends)!
So, if you question volume, we are very experienced in managing large orders.
Now located in the fashionable suburb of Alexandria, we continue to supply coffee shops, catering companies & the cake decorating industry.
The cake decorating industry boomed, many decorators were too busy to bake & it took up so much time & effort.. hello Mondo Kitchen Naked Cakes - We bake it, You decorate it!
2019 Covid hit the world, thankfully surviving, we opened our in-house decorating supply shop. Mondo Kitchen Naked Cakes & Decorating Supplies
The MK team are solely devoted to customer satisfaction and will ensure your individual needs are met. We offer 4 delivery days to most areas in Sydney.
Deliveries outside of Sydney please contact our office for Distributors details.
We do not compromise on quality and service and maintain a family business approach. One phrase has been the foundation for MK throughout the years.
" Your Prosperity is Our Prosperity”